— We take our content seriously. This article was written by a real person at BREL.

great toronto realtorsI have a tendency to (sometimes) complain about Toronto real estate agents in my REALTOR rants, but the truth of the matter is that I often have the opportunity to work with excellent REALTORS. What separates them from the rest?

1. They have integrity. They aren’t playing games, they’re playing by the rules. They disclose what they need to disclose and they know the difference between right and wrong.

2. They are representing their client, I am representing mine.  Even if they’re playing hard-ball and we’re on opposite sides of the negotiating table, they are professional and respectful.

3. They understand the business. They haven’t just taken the minimally-required courses to become licensed; they’re constantly upgrading themselves. They are on top of the market, the neighbourhood they work in, and changing technology.

4. They communicate with me. They call me back when I leave a message. They know how to text. Their cell number isn’t private. Their email is easy to find. Thank you!

5.  They worry just as much about the details as I do. Our job isn’t over when the the offer is signed.  Making sure that status certificates and deposit cheques get delivered, conditions are met and waivers get signed is crucial – and knowing I’m working with someone who cares makes all the difference.

And so to all the great REALTORS we’ve had the opportunity work with (you know who you are):  THANK YOU.  It’s been a pleasure doing business with you. 


  1. Good article….it’s so easy to get wrapped up in all of the ‘worst case scenarios’ and it can be hard to give credit, even when it is (reluctantly) due….all of the points you mentioned are key for a top notch Real Estate Agent and it sounds like you not only know some, but ARE one as well. 🙂

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