— We take our content seriously. This article was written by a real person at BREL.
It’s that time of year again, when I normally write my annual year-in-review brag blog, where I blather on about how many homes we sold and all the cool stuff we accomplished in the last 12 months. But this ‘Year-in-Review’ blog is different – because we’re different. 2020 changed us.
2020 tested who we are: as friends, as family, as colleagues, as Canadians. It forced us to re-examine our values, the things we appreciate and how we spend our time. 2020 redefined how we live and the meaning of ‘home’.
2020 inspired us to be better neighbours: It dared us to reflect on our privilege and better understand the challenges faced by our BIPOC community. It made us appreciate being Canadian. It called on us to support our local businesses and charities.
2020 changed us as REALTORS – and not just because ‘virtual’ and technology changed how we worked day-to-day. 2020 reminded us of the importance of the role we play with our clients and how lucky we are to be entrusted with helping them during life transitions.
2020 changed us as a team: With our offices closed since March, we supported and relied on each other virtually and proved that the BREL team culture and friendships don’t just exist when we’re together in person.
We sold a lot of homes in 2020. But what makes me most proud, is how we changed; how we pulled together to support each other and the people who needed us.
– Mel